Results are out !

Some of our successful 10th grade students

Mehoni School Project leader Lesley has sent us some exciting news from Mehoni. The results of the highly competitive 10th grade high-school exams are now out. These results determine the future of Ethiopian students to a large degree. Those who pass with a high score have the opportunity to move on to so-called Preparatory School for two years, 11th and 12th grades. At the end of 12th grade, they then have a fiercely competitive examination to determine who can attend university.

Those who pass with slightly lower scores may have the chance to attend teacher training college. Those who don’t pass at all will need to try again if they want a chance to enter any adult education institutions.

Of the students in our pilot scholarship program, in which all but two students (11th grade) were in 10th grade, 50% have made it through to Preparatory School. In a rural region where most high schools only get 10-20% of students through to 11th grade, this is a sensational result. What is not sensational is that of these 11 students, only one was female.

Some of the remaining students may receive the option this month to attend teacher training college. They, like their colleagues at Preparatory School, will continue to receive support from us. In addition, we have selected 10 new students for the program who will be sponsored by a number of our members and donors.

The students reported to Lesley this week that their scholarships helped them focus on their school work and contributed greatly to their success. Perhaps equally important was the encouragement they received from Lesley and EE president Thomas Baumann, and our sponsors. This helped them stay at school. Many of them are orphans or half orphans who often have to support younger family members, and to have someone to share the burden for the first time in their lives was a very special experience for them.

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